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Wednesday, March 25, 2009


If life is determined by how much rejection you get, my life would probably be nothing but rejection. Getting rejected feels shitty, especially when you are left in the dark of the reason why you were rejected in the first place.

Doing the research paper was probably the shittiest part of the semester this time around. I sent my second draft three weeks ago (my first was lost by my supervisor) but when I saw my supervisor this afternoon, she said “Why don’t you give me some more time to look at it?”

Unbelievable! What am I supposed to do? The research paper is due next week, and I am still stuck at the outline. I know, maybe I am wrong, but at least could my supervisor explain to me what is wrong, why my draft got rejected, and what should I do next?

Of course she can’t. Why? She does not even know where she put my draft. Unbelievable? Believe it!

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